
Performance of Théotime Langlois de Swarte and Silvère Jarrosson.

A painter, a violonist, the singular association of two arts chatting around Bach's Partitas.

The main idea of their performance: make painting and music meet in a hybrid show, between concert and artistic performance. Théotime Langlois de Swarte plays and follows Silvère Jarrosson while he realises a live painting. From this unique dialogue emerges a painting musical, where the artwork slowly evolves through the bars.

Formerly known as a dancer at the Paris Opera, the way Silvère Jarrosson paints, dynamically and close to dance, uses the violin's rythm and the scenography that allows his huge tableau. A dance and a performance, in which both protagonists follows eachother.

Photos Julien Benhamou Photographe

Collab with François Alu

A l’occasion de la sortie de son premier album de Concertos « Vivaldi, Leclair, Locatelli », Théotime Langlois de Swarte s’associe au danseur François Alu et au peintre plasticien Silvère Jarrosson afin de créer deux vidéos musicales qui associe le violon baroque à la danse, ainsi qu’à la peinture.
Réalisation Julien Condemine

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